Summer Learning…

What I learnt this summer…
The summer is never as long as you think it will be.
Shorts are de rigur for hot days spent at a desk.
Shorts should not be above the knee, unless you are a Scout or can pull it off (I’ve certainly tried but my pins / buns don’t quite cut it).
Playing basketball throwing a ball at people and missing hooped targets during lunch with workmates is an excellent way to let loose and focus on the right stuff after a morning of screen burn.
15 minutes of lunch spent training may well not be enough for team Burning Red to one day compete at inter-design agency basketball tournaments.
Make sure you go camping / get to a festival at least once during the warmer months. I always find a few nights under the stars and being a bit closer to nature helps to reset the mind.
Cardiff is an easily locked down town with little resistance from the resistance.
Kittens are only kittens for a short amount of time. By the end of the Summer, they will be cats.
Eggs poached in red wine is a thing!
Oh yes, and Winter is coming…